Why anaphylaxis?
Is the current vaccination program causing children to develop life-threatening anaphylaxis to foods?
Dr. A.W. Taylor Robinson stated in his paper “Multiple Vaccination Effects on Atopy” in the journal Allergy in 1999, “An increase in the incidence of childhood atopic diseases may be expected as a result of concurrent vaccination strategies that induce a Th2-biased immune response. What should be discussed is whether the prize of a reduction of common infectious diseases through a policy of mass vaccination from birth is worth the price of a higher prevalence of atopy.”
Researchers at the Department of Pathology and Molecular Medicine at McMaster University studied “pertussis toxin”, as a cause of sensitization to food allergens in their study “Pertussis adjuvant prolongs intestinal hypersensitivity”. Pertussis vaccine (with adjuvant) is given in a combination 5 in 1 vaccine at 2, 4, 6, 18 months, with a booster at 4-6 years and another booster at 14-16 years in Ontario. Their study states, “The purpose of this study was to examine the role of pertussis toxin (PT) in inducing intestinal hypersensitivity reactions, particularly the ability of the adjuvant to prolong the sensitization. … Our findings indicate nanogram quantities of PT [pertussis toxin], when administered with a food protein, result in long-term sensitization to the antigen, and altered intestinal neuroimmune function. These data suggest that exposure to bacterial pathogens may prolong the normally transient immune responsiveness to inert food antigens.”
It is clear from the medical literature that “science” knows that vaccination (injection) can cause anaphylaxis. Charles Richet won the Nobel Prize in 1913 for his research into anaphylaxis (caused by injections). Dr. Peter Vadas from St. Michael’s Hospital in Toronto admits to the vaccine connection to anaphylaxis in this 2001 interview.
Researchers create animal models of anaphylaxis using vaccines and/or their ingredients including aluminum, which is an adjuvant in the 5 in 1 vaccine including pertussis.
The atopic dog as a model of peanut and tree nut food allergy.
“Eleven dogs were sensitized subcutaneously by using an established protocol with 1 microg each of peanut, English walnut, or Brazil nut protein extracts in alum first at birth and then after modified live virus vaccinations at 3, 7, and 11 weeks of age. …. The results give further support to the dog as a model of human food allergy.”
Induction of Allergic Responses to Peanut Allergen in Sheep
“In Study 1 (n = 10) sheep were sensitised separately with a crude PN [peanut] extract and OVA. The immunisation protocol involved 3 subcutaneous (s.c.) injections at 2-week intervals and a 4th ‘boost’ injection after a rest period of 4 weeks. Each injection comprised either 100 µg of solubilised crude PN extract or 100 µg of OVA prepared in a total of 1 ml sterile saline with 50 µl of a commercial aluminium adjuvant (alum); Rehydragel ® LV- Aluminium hydroxide (Reheis Inc/NJ, USA). … In Study 2 (n= 10), sheep were simultaneously immunised with PN allergen (as for Study 1) and HDM (50 µg/injection) allergen [26], prepared in 1 ml sterile saline with aluminium hydroxide as adjuvant.”
There have been numerous studies in medical journals. An important book, The Peanut Allergy Epidemic, was written by Toronto Historian Heather Fraser, with the 3rd edition with a foreword by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. released in 2017. The Peanut Allergy Epidemic 2nd edition was released in 2015 The First edition was released in 2011.
Letters with supporting materials have been sent to politicians, government and health officials beginning in 1997. Former Alliance Health Critic Reed Elley attempted to bring the matter before the Standing Committee on Health in 2000 but was unsuccessful:
In Canada numerous health, provincial and federal government officials, anaphylaxis and allergy organizations have been contacted by Anaphylaxis Action with a plea for further investigation of the anaphylaxis epidemic and it’s connection to vaccination. One brave Member of Parliament, then Alliance Health Critic Reed Elley, requested that the issue be brought forward to the Standing Committee on Health. In the meeting on April 4, the day that the item was supposedly on the agenda, the Chair of the Committee said, “and on March 15 Mr. Elley submitted a letter with respect to the ailment noted.” Potentially life threatening anaphylaxis is the “ailment noted” and was never discussed. When Anaphylaxis Action tried to get a copy of the minutes of the Sub-Committee for Agenda Planning meetings from April 4 and April 6, 2000 to prove that the issue was on the table that day our Access to Information request was met with “The minutes of in camera Committee meetings are classed as Secret Records by the National Archives for a period of 30 years.” We were also told that “the agendas have not been preserved in electronic form.”
A dramatic increase in the numbers of children with anaphylaxis appeared with the introduction of the conjugate Haemophilus Influenza B (Hib) vaccine into the infant vaccine schedule in 1992 given concurrently with the DPT-Polio. The Hib vaccine was combined with the DPT-Polio vaccine in 1994 in what was called “PENTA”, the first, ever, 5 in 1 vaccine. After many years of investigations by parents it was disclosed through an e-mail that the PENTA vaccine combination was not licensed by Health Canada (no DIN # and no Notice of Compliance). Over 11,000 adverse events were reported over the three years this vaccine was given – it was replaced by Pentacel (acellular pertussis) in 1997. More details about this 5 in 1 unlicensed combination can be read here: The Penta Project and supporting documents are viewable at the Penta Project website archive.
For further reading on this most important life-threatening health issue please see the following:
The Autism and Allergy Overlap – ASD and food allergy rates have risen dramatically—and they often go hand in hand… By Heather Fraser, MA, BA, BEd., CBP
Anaphylactic Children – Canaries in the Public Health Mine Shaft? Are vaccines responsible for the epidemic of anaphylaxis in young children today? By Rita Hoffman
Can Vaccines Cause Immune Dysfunction Resulting in Allergies, Asthma and Anaphylaxis? – submission to the Institute of Medicine, which concluded in 2001 “Methodological weaknesses and inconsistent findings among the studies, however, led the committee to conclude that there is inadequate evidence to either accept or reject a causal relationship between multiple immunizations and increased risk of allergic diseases, particularly asthma.” Clearly, the Institute of Medicine has not ruled out the vaccine connection to allergic disease.
Please see the Science and Resources sections with evidence that the elephant in the room, vaccinations and injections, are the cause of the epidemic of food anaphylaxis. Let’s stop blaming roasted vs. boiled peanuts, delayed peanut introduction in infants, topical exposure, exposure to peanuts in household dust, being a rich kid living in a clean home, heredity, or “ancestors and on circumstances of modern living“, and the latest, not enough fibre! And this from September 2016, “‘In the 1960s, mothers were boiling babies’ bottles, and doing all this excessive sanitation. And now we think that we might have been doing more harm than good. Now we’re telling kids to go play in the dirt because that might be the best thing for them,’ he says.” And in a June 2017 Telegraph article the blame is directed towards, “Red velvet cupcakes are fuelling rise in allergies, dietician says“. Interestingly, the dietician also says, “‘I saw children with milk, egg and fish allergy and I never saw peanut allergy until the 1990s. It is an evolving field.'” Interestingly, the UK introduced the Haemophilus Influenza type B (Hib) vaccine into their infant vaccine schedule in 1992. “Routine immunisation with Hib conjugate vaccines was introduced in the UK in October 1992 according to the primary schedule of three doses at 2, 3, and 4 months of age. Compared with Hib programmes elsewhere, there were three unique features about the UK approach: primary vaccination was given earlier with completion by 4 months of age; a fourth (booster) dose of Hib vaccine was not given; and vaccination was offered to all children up to 48 months of age in a nationwide ‘catch up’ programme planned to occur over the first year of implementation.”
- “The UK has some of the highest prevalence rates of allergic conditions in the world, with over 20% of the population affected by one or more allergic disorder. (M. L. Levy, 2004)
- A staggering 44% of British adults now suffer from at least one allergy and the number of sufferers is on the rise, growing by around 2 million between 2008 and 2009 alone. Almost half (48%) of sufferers have more than one allergy (Mintel, 2010)
- In the 20 years to 2012 there was a 615% increase in the rate of hospital admissions for anaphylaxis in the UK (Turner, Paul J., et al, 2015)”
The latest potential cause (April 2018) of the food allergy epidemic is baby wet wipes. “Food allergy is triggered by perfect storm of genetics and skin exposure to infant wipes, dust and food.” – I kid you not … this is from the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Update, July 2023, “…increase in the number of birch trees being planted are two of the factors behind the doubling of hospital admissions in England for life-threatening allergic reactions in the past 20 years, the UK’s leading allergy charity has said.”
Let’s focus on prevention. Investigate before you vaccinate.
Video – We need to talk – Chalkboard Campaign
Video from Chalkboard Campaign